Fox & cie
Fox & cie
Fox & cie
Fox & cie
Fox & cie

Fox & cie

25 Fox shops in Belgium
Customer need

Fox wanted to celebrate the tenth birthday of its brand with a spectacular window display at its toy stores. The idea was to display a huge 3D cake decorated with stickers forming a garland around it to make it pop and give a feeling of motion. The client wanted to astonish the young (and not so young😉) customers visiting its shops.


Based on the design provided by Fox, POP set to work finding the best technical solution for this project. Once the concept was approved, we developed a mock-up so we could preview the 3D effect and the overall scale of the project. The mock-up was immediately approved by the client, since it met the client's expectations perfectly.

Our theatricalised solution was made mainly of duplex board supplemented by Re-board elements for better stability (e.g. the fox that emerges to blow out the candles).

For greater realism, certain specific 3D elements were included, such as candles, lollipops and the number 10.

To make the oversize cake pop even more, we printed modular vinyls that could easily be placed in the store windows depending on the space available at each point of sale.

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