PepsiCo Rockstar
PepsiCo Rockstar
PepsiCo Rockstar

PepsiCo Rockstar

Large retailers in France
Customer need

In connection with the launch of the Rockstar energy drink in France, the client asked us to create a complete universe for brand activation at the point of sale.


POP conceived, designed and produced a number of cardboard POS elements such as arched islands with integrated LEDs, giant re-board stars, entertainment stands for photo terminals (also with integrated LEDs), cubed totems, and more.

POP produced floor displays and elliptic totems in the shape of a 3D can using StackaWraps® , an innovative technology able to convert 2D products into 3D displays, providing a photorealistic effect without stretch or distortion, and for which POP Solutions is the exclusive distributor in Belgium.

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